TEAMMATE 榮譽代理法國品牌 Evian礦泉水,源自法國阿爾卑斯山清澈純淨、Evian品牌卓越,適合公司會議、招待嘉賓及各類商業活動,歡迎訂購。

Perrier, a premium French mineral water brand, is known for its naturally sparkling mineral water. With a unique taste resulting from the combination of natural spring water and carbonation, Perrier represents a lifestyle that inspires creativity and stands out from the ordinary.

FIJI Water 適合品牌活動、公司會議、招待嘉賓。一直以來都被形容為清爽解渴,口感純淨且獨特。它的瓶身設計以熱帶風格為主題,美麗動人,成為吸引眼球的亮點。此外,FIJI Water的純度和口感也備受讚譽,不含人工添加物,讓人感受到自然的滑順。
FIJI Water is consistently described as refreshing and thirst-quenching, with a clean taste that stands out. The tropical-themed and beautifully designed bottles are highlighted as a key attraction, also the purity and smoothness of FIJI Water, noting the absence of artificial taste or ingredients.

法國 Evian礦泉水|商務宴客 推介專用水

TEAMMATE 榮譽代理法國品牌 Evian礦泉水,適合公司會議、招待嘉賓及各類商業活動,歡迎訂購。


#Evian # 礦泉水 # Evian Sparkling

熱線 Hotline :
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6297 4421 (Macau)

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TEAMMATE Hong Kong Ltd. 榮美香港有限公司
Room 207, 2nd Floor, Block B, Chung Mei Centre, 15 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3582 1500 Fax: (852) 2191 7378 Email:
Enquiry Hotline : (香港) 3582 1582 (澳門) 6297 4421